I'm working through Closure tutorials translating them to
ClojureScript. Unfortunately, I've hit a problem where the code works
with {:optimizations :simple} but fails with {:optimizations

The code is very simple. It basically is a trivial template example
with Soy (from Closure templates). Here's example/core.cljs:

(ns example.core
  (:require [goog.dom :as dom]
            [goog.date :as date]
            [soy :as soy]
            [example.templates :as tmpls]))

(defn map-to-obj [m]
  (.strobj (reduce (fn [m [k v]]
                     (assoc m k v))
                   (map #(vector (name %1) %2) (keys m) (vals m)))))

(defn ^:export say-hello [message]
  (let [hello (dom/getElement "hello")]
    (dom/setTextContent hello message)))

(defn ^:export say-hello2 [message]
  (let [hello (dom/getElement "hello")
        data {:greeting message
              :year (. (date/Date.) (getFullYear))}]
    (soy/renderElement hello tmpls/welcome (map-to-obj data))))

And the template hello.soy:

{namespace example.templates}

 * @param greeting
 * @param year
{template .welcome}
  <h1 id="greeting">{$greeting}</h1>
  The year is {$year}.

The template is compiled to hello.soy.js.  I pass in the path to
hello.soy.js as well as closure-templates/javascript during compile.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Example: Hello World</title>
    <div id="hello"></div>

    <script src="hello-cljs.js"></script>

      example.core.say_hello2("Hello World!");

With simple optimizations, this produces the expected output. With
advanced optimizations both fields of the template are undefined.

I'm probably doing something silly. Any ideas?


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