Hi Everyone, I want to let you know about clooj, a small, simple IDE for clojure that I have been developing (in clojure). It's packaged as a single jar file (including clojure 1.2), here: https://github.com/downloads/arthuredelstein/clooj/clooj-0.1.0-standalone.jar Just download it and double-click. (I use clooj to develop clojure code every day at work.)
You can look at the source code here: https://github.com/arthuredelstein/clooj clooj runs as a standalone application or you can embed it in other JVM programs. (See the README, below). This is an alpha release and I plan to continue further development. Feedback of all kinds and code contributions are much appreciated! :) Arthur Edelstein San Francisco ------ clooj, a lightweight IDE for clojure --- the application clooj is a small, simple IDE (integrated development environment) for the clojure programming language. clooj is written entirely in clojure and uses a swing-based GUI. It is cross-platform (assuming Java 1.6 has been installed on your operating system), and runs as a standalone application or as a clojure editor embedded in another java or clojure application. The standalone version (containing the clojure core) is a single jar file that can be launched by double-clicking its file icon or by running java -jar clooj-XXX-STANDALONE.jar from the command line. To embed in java, call clooj.core.show(). --- the layout The clooj window contains three columns. The left-most column is a tree showing clojure projects and the source files they contain. The middle column is the source file editor. The right column displays inputs and outputs of clojure REPLs (read-evaluate-print loops). --- the source editor The source code editor offers a few simple things to make writing clojure code easier: * A non-traditional bracket-matching feature highlights in gray those brackets that contain the innermost form you are currently editing. * Mismatched or unmatched brackets are highlighted in pink. * TAB indents, and shift+TAB unindents. * Automatically comment-out (and un-comment-out) multiple lines. * When newlines are entered, the next line is automatically indented. * Press ctrl-ENTER to send either the nearest root form or the selected text to the REPL. * Source files are continuously saved in the background to prevent accidental loss of your work in the event of a crash. --- clojure projects Each clojure project corresponds to a project directory somewhere in the file system, containing a src directory. Inside the src directory is the source code hierarchy, composed of directories and .clj files. Note this directory structure is completely compatible with the lein and cake clojure build programs and you are encouraged to use one of these from the command line in conjunction with the clooj editor. Clicking different source files in the projects tree will automatically change the source file currently being edited, as well as switch the REPL to the appropriate namespace. --- read-evaluate-print loops The upper part of clooj's REPL display column shows the REPL history (inputs and outputs) and the lower part is a text area for inputting forms into REPL. Each project gets its own REPL environment: when a project is first selected, a new clojure REPL is created behind the scenes and becomes the REPL in use. By choosing "Restart REPL" you cause a new REPL to be created for the currently selected project and the old one to be discarded, if possible. If the project directory contains directories named "lib" and/or "jars" and there are any jar files inside, these jars will be included in the classpath whenever the project REPL is launched. You can subsequently add further jar files to the classpath by placing them in the "lib" or "jars" directory and restarting the REPL. --- more work needed clooj is a work in progress. Your suggestions, criticisms and code contributions are appreciated. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to clojure@googlegroups.com Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with your first post. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to clojure+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/clojure?hl=en