
It is a pleasure to announce the release of Jark 0.3, today.
Why Jark?
Startup time of the Java Virtual Machine(JVM) is too slow and thereby
command-line applications on the JVM are sluggish and very painful to
Jark is an attempt to run a persistent JVM daemon and provide a set of
utilities to control and operate on it.
It should help in deploying clojure applications on the JVM, running
command-line applications written in clojure and remote-debugging.

The motivation is also to provide a very thin nrepl-client that can
run on any given OS platform. Maybe one on the Android. The client
host need not even have the JRE installed. The current implementation
is in python(2.6 or 2.7) as a proof-of-concept and runs only on
GNU/Linux and Mac OSX.

Get started: http://icylisper.in/jark/start.html

Jark has utilites for:
a. Operating and tuning the JVM
b. Managing classpaths
c. Managing packages and repositories that are not project-specific (uses cljr)
d. Scripting (#!/usr/bin/env jark)  and namespaces.
All of which can be done remotely.

This is a sample usage:
server> jark vm start [--port]
client>  jark vm connect [--host] [--port]
client>  jark repl
client>  jark vm stat
client>  jark cp list
server> jark cp add <jar>
client>  jark package install -p PACKAGE -v VERSION
client>  jark ns load /path/to.clj
and so on ..

The earlier version (0.2) of jark used nailgun as a proof-of-concept
server and client. The current release (0.3) of jark uses Chas
Emerick's nrepl protocol for communication. I hope to rewrite the
client in haskell, so native binaries can be generated, sometime soon.
Have a look at the roadmap:
Roadmap: http://icylisper.in/jark/roadmap.html

Mailing list: https://groups.google.com/group/clojure-jark
code: https://github.com/icylisper/jark.git

Special thanks to:
 * Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant (for collaborating and providing very
interesting ideas)
 * Bangalore-clojure group members for continuous feedback:
     Shantanu Kumar
     Abhijith Gopal
     Martin Demello
     Abhijit Hoskeri
* other early jark users for valuable ideas and fixes

Thats all folks! Hope you find it useful.
Screencasts and demos are on the way ...

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