Dear all,
thanks for help and pointers.

Introduction of independent range instead of partitioned parts of lazy 
sequence helped achieve parallelism (tested and works 4x faster (4 cores) 
then normal version). 

Here is the code (modified parts in bold):

(def range-end 200000000)
(def is-dividable-by-3-and-5 #(or (zero? (rem % 3))
                       (zero? (rem % 5))))
(time (let [no-processors (.. Runtime getRuntime availableProcessors)
      work (range 0 no-processors)
*      part-size (/ range-end no-processors)
*      result (pmap 
               (fn [part] 
                 (reduce + (filter is-dividable-by-3-and-5 
*                                   (range 
                                     (* part part-size)
                                     (* (inc part) part-size))))) *
  (apply + result)) 

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