Dear all,
I have a simple mathematical problem which I want to use a sample for

My first question is if *partition* and *range *are lazy, does access to
lets say second part of partitioned range cause first part to be
materialized or no? Or is this using arithmetic progression in background,
so access to second part can happen without the need to materialize first

My second question is connected to first. If we have 4 cores and *pmap *starts
4 threads to perform our function on 4 parts of partitioned range, is this
happening in parallel, or it is not (because of partitioned ranges
dependence or something else)?

Here is the code:

*; Take 1.2.P (Parallel)
(def range-end 1000)
(def is-dividable-by-3-and-5 #(or (zero? (rem % 3))
                       (zero? (rem % 5))))

(let [no-processors (.. Runtime getRuntime availableProcessors)
      work (partition (/ range-end no-processors) (range 0 range-end))
      result (pmap
               (fn [part]
                 (reduce + (filter is-dividable-by-3-and-5 part)))
  (apply + result))*

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