On 12/26/2010 8:33 PM, Robert McIntyre wrote:
That's really cool. I was _just reading_ your comments from 2006 at
http://www.mail-archive.com/gardeners@lispniks.com/msg01006.html and
wondering about how hard something like this would be to write.  If
possible, could you expand on how one might use this in a development
work-flow with emacs or texmacs? Is there some sort of lisp-pamphlet
mode that could be extended to clojure? I'm assuming you've already
solved all these problems and more while working with Axiom. I'd
appreciate any pointers or best practices you might have found.
Wow. That's an old reference. Most of those links are dead. Try
or http://axiom-developer.org

As I mentioned in my other email on this subject I don't use Emacs
modes. I don't want the computer editing my text. I just want it to
do exactly what I told it to do. But I'm a curmudgeon :-)

My style of programming is to change one thing and then do a complete
system rebuild and test, which takes about 1 hour on my fastest machine,
5 on my slowest. I "work a pipeline" of changes so the build/test time
is overlapped with changes. I can have up to 5 machines doing build/test
while I'm working on the 6th change. (Git helps a LOT here. I strongly
recommend git also.)

I usually use a split screen with the literate latex document (I call
it a "pamphlet") in one buffer (not a slime setup) and the REPL in the
other buffer. I use the REPL to hand-check the code before modifying
the pamphlet.

Thus, if (when :-)) it fails I know what I broke and where I broke it.
When it works, the code is already documented in latex and pdf.
The build/test automatically regenerates the pdf.

The goal is to make the smallest change possible and concentrate on getting
it right. It might require writing or updating test cases which are also
in the same literate document under a "test" chunk name. The automated build
extracts and runs all "test" chunks.

So the essential loop is:
  edit the pamphlet in a split buffer
  define the functions in the REPL buffer
  change the function
  hand-test the change in the REPL
  update the pamphlet with the changed function
  write/update the test code
  save the pamphlet
  do a full system build and test
  check that the test pass
  check the pdf documentation

The second step would be a lot easier if Clojure knew how to load
a latex file. I'm thinking of writing a load-pamphlet function to
do this. It could specify a chunk name to extract as in:
     (load-pamphlet [file] (load-pamphlet file "*"))
     (load-pamphlet [file chunk] (tangle file chunk)))
Thus, to do step 2 above I just need to (load-pamphlet...) the file.
I could run the tests with (load-pamphlet file "test")

\tl;dr{Let's move programming out of the dark ages.}

We of the Clojure community are trying hard to move Lisp out of
the 60s programming model. We can also move programming out of
the 60s code-then-maybe-document model. The Knuth technology is
30+ years old.

When I started 40 years ago (http://www.dilbert.com/fast/2010-12-23/)
we had limits like 8k of memory so no file was bigger than 4k. Thus,
C programs were "tiny piles of sand" with include/overlay linkers/etc.
Few of you have ever worked on a fully loaded PDP 11/40. Why do you
program like you only have 4k?

Now we can have a machine with 128Gig of memory. Its about time for
programmers to lose the "one function-one file" idea based on keeping
the machine happy. We need to think about one-program-one-document to
keep the humans happy. For a perfect example, see the book:
"Lisp In Small Pieces by Christian Queinnec" [1]

Queinnec's book is my ultimate example. He MOTIVATES every piece of
code that gets introduced and he talks about everything. The code
contains a complete lisp system including the interpreter, compiler,
and garbage collector. If you want to know lisp, read this book.
If you want to learn literate programming, study this book.

I want "Clojure In Small Pieces", a literate form of Clojure that
I can execute from the book. Then I can open to the chapter on
PersistentHashMap and read all about log32 tries, why they matter,
and how Clojure implements them, with literature references and a
good index. Oh, yeah, and the ACTUAL code that gets executed.
Forget the jar file. Send me the pamphlet containing Clojure.

Programming will come out of the dark ages when we employ English
majors as project leads with the title "Editor in Chief". If you
can explain it to an English major in text, you probably understand
the problem :-)

Let's move programming out of the dark ages.


Tim Daly

[1] http://www.amazon.com/Lisp-Small-Pieces-Christian-Queinnec/dp/0521545668

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