Clojure/core Team Update 1
Monday, July 26, 2010

Welcome to the first Clojure/core team update. In these updates you
will find:

* Announcements of upcoming events
* Project updates: summaries of recent work on Clojure and related
  projects that we support
* New developments: other new things we are working on, that haven't
  quite reached the status of supported project


Friday, July 30, 2010 is "Move your app to Clojure 1.2 day." The
Clojure/core team will be hanging out in the #clojure channel on IRC
and monitoring the mailing list in real time to help you out with any
migration issues.

Rich Hickey and Stuart Halloway are teaching Clojure at the Pragmatic
Studio. Next venue is September 13-15 in Reston VA. Previous studios
have sold out, so register early:

Project Updates

Clojure (
* went to 1.2 beta 1 on July 14 (
* set your keywords free! Keyword and dynamic classes now use soft
  references (

Clojure-Contrib (
* marked deprecations throughout contrib. There are a lot of them!
* documented deprecation policy: mark deprecated for one point
  release (e.g. 1.2), then option to remove in future releases. If you
  are living on snapshots you will need to remove dependencies on
  deprecated contrib functions after 1.2 goes final.

Incanter (http:
* added mean and variance functions for colls, sets, maps
* set-theme fix and example
* added auto-correlation function

Labrepl (
* Continuing to support onramping people across a wide variety of
  operating systems and IDEs.
* Please check the closed issues list before posting an issue:

New Developments

Lazytest is a BDD/test-driven framework.
* added typed assertions
* Getting closer to a release. The underlying architecture of types and
  protocols is approaching stability. Still need significant work on
  reporting.  If you have a burning interest in how test reports will
  look in the console, now is the time to make suggestions to

Cljr ( is a Clojure REPL and package
manager. Unlike project-oriented tools, Cljr's sweet spot is an
easy-to-install REPL backed by a global package management system.
* several classpath-related tweaks and fixes
* fixes to windows installation

Happy Clojuring!

Aaron Bedra
Clojure/core Team

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