>>  Also, notice that we specified :reload-all for foo1, which then reloads
>> in the context of foo1, so when calling a function in foo1 that calls
>> we get the updated output.  But, when calling foo2 functions directly, we
get the old functions.

>No. This is wrong. There is only one some.ns.foo2. It doesn't matter where
things are loaded from.

You are correct, my mistake.  For some reason I had been operating under
this assumption.

On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 5:42 PM, Meikel Brandmeyer <m...@kotka.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> Am 19.07.2010 um 23:01 schrieb Mark Rathwell:
> > Notice, the removed function in foo1 still exists, because it was not
> overwritten by anything.
> This is true if the function name is not used in anything the namespace
> refers to. Take eg. my first example with prn. There the reload overwrites
> the previous Var (ie. the Var is removed from the namespace) by the
> clojure.core/prn function. If the function was still there it would again
> overwrite the c.c/prn. This is the new last-var-wins behaviour. (which I
> generally like, but which also didn't bite me up to now besides this
> example)
> >  Also, notice that we specified :reload-all for foo1, which then reloads
> foo2 in the context of foo1, so when calling a function in foo1 that calls
> foo2, we get the updated output.  But, when calling foo2 functions directly,
> we get the old functions.
> No. This is wrong. There is only one some.ns.foo2. It doesn't matter where
> things are loaded from.
> Sincerely
> Meikel
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