2010/7/19 Meikel Brandmeyer <m...@kotka.de>

> Hello Laurent,
> please let me explain my philosophy before I go into details how VimClojure
> handles the clojure connection.
>    1. Vim is *not* an IDE like Eclipse or Netbeans. It is an editor which
>    can be used with other tools to form an IDE, but on its own it is not.
>    2. The tools should *only *do what the user tells them to do. No more,
>    no less.
> Well, by activating the "automatic builder" feature of an IDE, I /suppose/
users typically think this is a way to tell the IDE to do automatic
rebuilds. "rebuild" here meaning AOT compilation of the strict necessary
files, and reload of what has been changed :-)

> While Vim's reality started deviate from these ideals long ago, I still
> feel that this is True Way™. And this is reflected in VimClojure's way of
> handling things.
> So what does VimClojure's architecture look like:
>    - There is of course Vim itself. It sits there. Does nothing. Waits for
>    user input.
>    - Then there is the server process running separately. It listens for
>    connections from the Vim side and runs the requested commands. In 
> particular
>    you can arbitrary many repl, doc lookup, evaluation, whatever connections 
> in
>    parallel. You can forward the connection via ssh and you can embed the
>    server in any application you can think of. I had both success with a web
>    app and a swing app.
>    - The client, which Vim shells out to, to plumb both parties together.
>    The client-server connection works via a modified nailgun, but that's an
>    implementation detail.
>    - All this degrades gracefully and is not required to run a vanilla vim
>    with syntax highlighting, indentation and builtin static completion. Doc
>    lookup, code eval, macroexpand, etc. are just supplementary to the core
>    tasks available also without the server.
OK, so in spirit we're not so far from each other. I too try to minimize the
impacts of the several moving parts on the "core part" that is the editor.

> One consequence of this architecture is that there is *no* continuous
> connection between both sides. However this is the only way Vim can handle
> such communication in a portable and stable way. The downside is that we
> cannot use interactive commands since the interaction is split over multiple
> connections. The upside is that one side going nuts doesn't affect the other
> too much. I can simply restart the server in the background with the Vim
> side noticing it, if the server goes banana. Some reloads and I can go on.
> Starting the server is up to the user. Rule 1: Vim is *not* an IDE. There
> is a plethora of tools for handling classpaths questions. I personally use
> gradle; before that I used simple shell scripts with project relative
> CLASSPATH and that's it. ant+ivy, maven, leiningen, … all will they do a
> sufficient job. Vim is an editor. It has no business with Java classpaths.
> (For eclipse this is different: eclipse is *expected* to handle the
> classpath, no?) Besides that, you cannot portable start a background process
> from inside vim. (At least I'm not aware of how to do that)
> I'm not sure I understand what you mean with „REPL“. I suppose it means
> „server instance“ in my settings. In that case there is only one. But it is
> not a repl. You can connect to it to obtain a repl connection (keeping book
> of the repl state etc.). But it is not in itself a repl.

You're right. This is another point. Currently there is confusion in ccw
between a REPL and a "server instance". I intend to remove this confusion in
the future, when really implementing the possibility of having several
concurrent REPL clients on the same "server instance".

> As for a typical workflow of mine:
>    1. gradle runNailgun
>    2. Start vim
>    3. open clojure file
>    4. edit edit edit
>    5. lookup some docs
>    6. edit edit
>    7. save ; Note: nothing happens here. The file gets saved. That's it.
>    8. edit edit edit
>    9. Send some code via \et ; „*e*val *t*oplevel“
>    10. Open a repl \sR ; „*s*tart *r*epl“ R meaning in the namespace of
>    the current buffer
>    11. repeat  3. - 10. as needed
> You might note point 7: I do nothing on the server side on file safe. If I
> added function, it just isn't there for completion, yet. Only when I tell VC
> to evaluate the function via one of the \e* functions it is available for
> omni completion. I can live with such an inconsistent state, because I
> normally work on a very restricted set of functions. As soon as they are
> done, I do a complete sync by reloading the whole file etc if necessary. VC
> tries hard to keep line numbers as close to a synced state as possible. And
> as I said: if I mess up too much, I nuke the server and restart it without
> impact on my running vim. On the next interaction the namespaces are loaded
> cleanly from disk.
> I agree with Chas, that strange things can happen. Imagine a
> pre-defonce-semantics-for-multimethods clojure version: you could loose your
> whole method definitions by a innocent looking file save. I prefer the
> „Launch rockets“-button to be more prominent. ;)

Yes, I'll probably will have to content both styles of development. The good
news are that one path is a natural step of the other :-)

> Puuh. I'm sorry this got so long, but I think I had to provide the
> necessary context to understand the why things are as they are with
> VimClojure. I hope I could answer your question.
> Sincerely
> Meikel
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