> 1. Have you written, or are you writing, a web application that uses
> Clojure? What does it do?

roman candle is a web app designed to let me control X10 plc
components from any web-capable device, using the X10 firecracker
controller. It's still in very early development, and hasn't been
given much attention lately. The intent is more to learn about clojure
rather than provide a distributable utility.

> 2. Which libraries or frameworks are you using? Which versions?

I've always been impressed by the Seaside framework, if only it
weren't tied to smalltalk. While there are now some C/C++ frameworks
along this line, there don't appear to be any available for Java, much
less clojure.  So I'm developing a small framework - bitchen' - in
parallel with roman candle. This is also more pedagogical than
production, in that it's not at all clear how to "port" the seaside
model from an OO language to a functional/immutable one like Clojure.
Should I decide that I'm going to get serious about clojure, this
might eventually become a full-fledged framework.

> 3. What made you choose Clojure to develop web applications in? What
> are the strengths of Clojure web development?

Wanting to provide a better answer to that question. Clojure itself is
interesting for it's LISPyness, concurrency facilities, and tight
integration with the JVM.

> 4. What do you think are the current weaknesses of web development in
> Clojure? What could be improved?

The tight integration with the JVM. I believe it's brought more pain
than happiness.

> 5. Anything else you want to comment on?

Not really.

Mike Meyer <m...@mired.org>             http://www.mired.org/consulting.html
Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.

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