I looked through some of my Project Euler solutions and found this
version. It is essentially the same as Uncle Bob's, but to my eye it
is a bit easier to read.

(defn least-nontrivial-divisor [n]    ;; integer n > 1
  (loop [k 2]
      (zero? (rem n k)) k                 ;; k divides n, return k
      (> (* k k) n ) n                         ;; k > sqrt n, return n
      :else (recur (inc k)))))

(defn prime-factors [n]                ;; integer n > 1
  (loop [n n factors []]
     (if (= 1 n)
       (let [d (least-nontrivial-divisor n)]
         (recur (quot n d)
                    (conj factors d))))))

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