Note that your recur call is wrapped in a cons. It is *not* in the
tail position.

(def date-seq
 (fn [d1 d2]
   (loop [b (-> d1
          e d2]
    (cons b (if (time/before? b e)
              (recur (.plusMonths b 1) e)))))) ;; Inside cons, this
call must return

I am not on a machine with clojure at the moment, but offhand you
probably want something shaped more like:

(defn date-seq [d1 d2]
  (let [b (-> d1 (.dayOfMonth) (.withMinimumValue))])
  (reverse (date-seq-helper b dend (list))))

(defn- date-seq-helper [dbot dend dates]
  (let [ndates (cons dbot dates)]
    (if (time/before? dbot dend)
      (recur (.plusMonths dbot 1) dend ndates) ; Recurse from tail position
      ndates))) ; Or end the recursion

Please note that the tail recursion is in a tail position for the
helper call, meaning that there is no computation that must take place
after the call to recur returns.

- dlf

On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 2:36 PM, Base <> wrote:
> Hi All -
> I am trying convert a  function to use loop/recur and am getting the
> dreded
> "java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Can only recur from tail
> position (repl-1:414)" error
> (at least dreded for newbies...)
> The function takes 2 joda dates and returns a sequence of dates
> starting at the first of the month until it is past the second date.
> This works using standard recursion but I wanted to use TCO.
> Any help is most appreciated (as usual...!)
> Thanks
> Base
> (def date-seq
>  (fn [d1 d2]
>    (loop [b (-> d1
>               (.dayOfMonth)
>               (.withMinimumValue))
>           e d2]
>     (cons b (if (time/before? b e)
>               (recur (.plusMonths b 1) e))))))
> --
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Dave Fayram

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