I fixed my bottleneck-finding problem by applying the right jvisualvm

You say:

>It's discouraged to use the mutable reference types in a fine-grained way
>like this. I would recommend changing your code to just be a vector of
>Clojure PersistentMaps that you map over.

What do you mean by this?
defstruct creates a struct-map which - as far as I know - is a
And I do not use a vector because the amount of bodies that I map over
varies - for example when the player destroys a monster ;)

On Apr 23, 5:09 pm, David Nolen <dnolen.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In your code you have:
> (defstruct body
>   :id
>   :type ; :projectile or :unit -> projectiles do not collide with other
> bodies;
>   :current-position ; ref
>   :current-cells  ; ref
>   :current-rotation  ;atom
>   :pixel-half-width :pixel-half-height
>   :half-width :half-height
>   :components) ; a map of (:comp-type comp)
> It's discouraged to use the mutable reference types in a fine-grained way
> like this. I would recommend changing your code to just be a vector of
> Clojure PersistentMaps that you map over.  It seems that your program is not
> so dissimilar from something that I worked on, you might want to look at
> this code for some ideas how to improve the speed of your 
> code:http://github.com/swannodette/flocking/blob/master/src/flocking/flock...
> When I first implemented this in early 2008 it was taking about 100-120ms to
> update 150 "boids". This version can do it in about 6-8ms.
> I also note that you're not type-hinting your math, but I'm unsure how much
> that plays into the perf you're seeing.
> David
> On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 4:55 AM, msappler <damnedmar...@web.de> wrote:
> >http://pastebin.com/Vv7xr6Uj
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