Hi John,
You can get some speedup by using unboxed math in draw-tree (see
below). What kind of speed difference are you seeing?
(import '(javax.swing JFrame JPanel )
'(java.awt Color Graphics Graphics2D))
(defn draw-tree [ #^Graphics g2d angle x y length branch-angle depth]
(when (> depth 0)
(let [angle (double angle)
x (double x)
y (double y)
length (double length)
branch-angle (double branch-angle)
depth (double depth)
new-x (- x (* length (Math/sin (Math/toRadians angle))))
new-y (- y (* length (Math/cos (Math/toRadians angle))))
new-length (fn [] (* length (+ 0.75 (rand 0.1))))
new-angle (fn [op] (op angle (* branch-angle (+ 0.75
(. g2d drawLine x y new-x new-y)
(draw-tree g2d (new-angle +) new-x new-y (new-length) branch-
angle (- depth 1))
(draw-tree g2d (new-angle -) new-x new-y (new-length) branch-
angle (- depth 1)))))
(defn render [ #^Graphics g w h]
(doto g
(.setColor (Color/BLACK))
(.fillRect 0 0 w h)
(.setColor (Color/GREEN)))
(let [init-length ( / (min w h) 5),
branch-angle (* 10 (/ w h)),
max-depth 12]
(draw-tree g 0.0 (/ w 2) h init-length branch-angle max-depth)))
(defn create-panel []
"Create a panel with a customised render"
(proxy [JPanel] []
(paintComponent [g]
(proxy-super paintComponent g)
(time (render g (. this getWidth) (. this
(defn run []
(let [frame (JFrame. "Clojure Fractal Tree")
panel (create-panel)]
(doto frame
(.add panel)
(.setSize 640 400)
(.setVisible true))))
Hi, the other day I was at a conference in London and learned Scala.
As my first program I translated a favourite fractal tree program
(which I stole from: http://marblemice.com/2009/04/26/clojure-fractal-tree/)
The programs are almost exactly the same in the two languages.
The Scala version seems quite a lot faster than the Clojure one. I
added type hints for the Graphics objects, but there's also a
reflection warning from the JPanel proxy, which I think is
unimportant, but which I can't see how to get rid of.
Is the reason the Clojure version is slow that recursive calls to
tree are boxing and unboxing primitive types? If so is there anything
that can be done? Did I just pick a particularly bad example program?
Or am I just missing something silly? Is there an easy way to examine
the byte-code?
Is it human-readable? Can it be done from a REPL like disassemble in
------------------------------------------- clojure version
(import '(javax.swing JFrame JPanel )
'(java.awt Color Graphics Graphics2D))
(defn draw-tree [ #^Graphics g2d angle x y length branch-angle depth]
(if (> depth 0)
(let [new-x (- x (* length (Math/sin (Math/toRadians angle))))
new-y (- y (* length (Math/cos (Math/toRadians angle))))
new-length (fn [] (* length (+ 0.75 (rand 0.1))))
new-angle (fn [op] (op angle (* branch-angle (+ 0.75
(. g2d drawLine x y new-x new-y)
(draw-tree g2d (new-angle +) new-x new-y (new-length) branch-
angle (- depth 1))
(draw-tree g2d (new-angle -) new-x new-y (new-length) branch-
angle (- depth 1)))))
(defn render [ #^Graphics g w h ]
(doto g
(.setColor (Color/BLACK))
(.fillRect 0 0 w h)
(.setColor (Color/GREEN)))
(let [init-length ( / (min w h) 5),
branch-angle (* 10 (/ w h)),
max-depth 12]
(draw-tree g 0.0 (/ w 2) h init-length branch-angle max-depth)))
(defn create-panel []
"Create a panel with a customised render"
(proxy [JPanel] []
(paintComponent [g]
(proxy-super paintComponent g)
(render g (. this getWidth) (. this getHeight)))))
(defn run []
(let [frame (JFrame. "Clojure Fractal Tree")
panel (create-panel)]
(doto frame
(.add panel)
(.setSize 640 400)
(.setVisible true))))
----------------------------------------------- scala version
import scala.swing._
import java.awt._
import javax.swing._
object ScalaFractalTree {
def main(args: Array[String]){
val frame=new JFrame("Scala Fractal Tree")
val panel=new MyPanel()
frame add panel
frame setSize (640, 400)
frame setVisible true
class MyPanel extends JPanel{
override def paintComponent(g:Graphics):Unit = {
render(g, getWidth(), this.getHeight())
def render(g:Graphics, w:Int, h:Int){
g.setColor (Color.BLACK)
g.fillRect( 0, 0, w, h)
g.setColor (Color.GREEN)
val initlength=if (w<h) w/5 else h/5
val branchangle=10*w/h
val maxdepth=12
drawtree( g, 0.0, w/2.0, h ,initlength, branchangle, maxdepth)
def drawtree(g:Graphics, angle:Double, x:Double, y:Double,
branchangle:Double, depth:Double){
if (depth>0){
val newx= x-length*(Math.sin(Math.toRadians( angle)))
val newy= y-length*(Math.cos(Math.toRadians( angle)))
val newlength1 = length*(0.75+0.1*Math.random)
val newlength2 = length*(0.75+0.1*Math.random)
val newangle1 = angle+branchangle*(0.75+Math.random)
val newangle2 = angle-branchangle*(0.75+Math.random)
g.drawLine(x.toInt, y.toInt, newx.toInt, newy.toInt)
drawtree(g, newangle1, newx, newy, newlength1, branchangle,
drawtree(g, newangle2, newx, newy, newlength2, branchangle,
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