I think using a naming convention isn't a good idea, especially when
you have a rich macro system like Clojure.  I'm actually going to be
talking about using a reference to handle things like this in my next
episode.  For now, you can take a look at my definference macro here:


Hope this helps,

On Feb 25, 8:59 pm, joshua-choi <rbysam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yeah, I don’t really like the underscores either. But I have to work
> with the set of currently allowed non-alphanumeric symbol characters
> (*, +, !, -, _, and ?, according to clojure.org/reader).
> There’s actually two different questions here—I’d love for other
> people to bring in their input.
> I need to set apart “rules”, a certain type of object, from other
> kinds of Clojure objects. ("Why do you even need to do this?" people
> ask. Because I really want to graphically set them apart in the
> programmers mind. And also, rules often shared names with objects that
> they were representing: it was difficult to remember string-char-r vs.
> string-char in functions, for instance. It was always a big pain. I
> think it will be worth it.)
> Question 1: Of the allowed characters, which would be best to
> distinguish rule symbols from other symbols?
> * can be confused with the REPL vars (*1, *e, etc.) and re-bindable
> vars.
> + may be a better choice, though in the other Lisps it already
> indicates constants.
> I don’t think ! and ? are good at all, because they really stand out
> to me to mean destruction and querying respectively.
> - is apparently used only once in the standard libraries: in defn-.
> Maybe it would be a good choice.
> _ is ugly, but it’s not used at all, so that’s good. Well, except when
> used on its own: “_”, for useless bindings.
> I’m leaning toward +, -, or _.
> Question 2: Prefix, suffix, or circumfix?
> +vector, vector+, or +vector+? -vector, vector-, -vector-? Or
> whatever. Don’t forget, I’m deciding this for my parser rules library.
> “vector” means a rule that can parse strings representing vectors.
> Could everyone give me their opinion? Which annoys your taste the
> least? I still have time to change the style in my library, and I’d
> like to hear from as many people as possible.
> On Feb 25, 3:16 pm, Jarkko Oranen <chous...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Feb 25, 12:17 am, joshua-choi <rbysam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > When it comes to distinguishing certain types of symbols from other
> > > things, should one use prefixes or suffixes?
> > Whichever makes more sense, of course. :)
> > > Example: naming tests with clojure.test/deftest. If you distinguish
> > > your tests’ symbols at all, do you do “t-addition” or “addition-t”?
> > Name tests descriptively. Putting them in their own namespace helps
> > too. If there's absolutely a need to distinguish them from non-tests,
> > I would prefer '-test'. Abbreviating it just makes it noisy.
> > > (I need to know what the standard is, if there is any, because I need
> > > a way to distinguish a certain type of symbol—those that represent
> > > “rules”— in my libraries. I’m using an underscore suffix right now,
> > > like “vector_”, which means “vector-rule” But “_rule” might be better,
> > > or even “_rule_”, though the last one might be overkill. In the past,
> > > I’ve used “vector-r", but I don’t like that now.)
> > I personally find underscores offensive, but... Some logic DSLs use ?
> > foo for variables, maybe you could have something similar for you
> > rules. Or you could name them using angled brackets (eg. <vector>).
> > When it comes to naming, you just need to be consistent. And avoid
> > underscores, please :P

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