On Dec 17, 3:13 am, Roman Roelofsen <roman.roelof...@googlemail.com>
> Dealing with version numbers at build time is quite easy with tool
> like Maven. The important thing is that everyone agrees on the same
> version semantics (great summary [1]). Putting some more tooling
> around this should be a good idea, yes.

Talking of semantics, do you think the one I enumerated would work?
I'll certainly try to implement this concept, but I have many other
projects on the table right now, so it might take a while before I
start working on it.

> However, the problem in Java is dealing with versions at runtime, not
> at build time!

It's sure would be a nice addition, but dealing with versioning at
build time would at least give library users some assurance.

> Java's classloader design has not knowledge about
> versions, etc and  makes it impossible to deal with versions without a
> new layer on top of it. The default system for dealing with this in
> Java is OSGi. Unfortunately, Clojure's classloader design seems to be
> completely incompatible with OSGi. If we could solve this, Clojure
> would instantly get multi version support.

My knowledge of Java's classloader is pretty limited, I'll look at
OSGi and Clojure's classloader to see what I can do, but don't expect
miracles ;-)

- budu

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