
On Dec 16, 2:56 pm, Nicolas Buduroi <nbudu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, on the CommonJS Google Group there was a discussion on semantic
> versioning, a formalization of the concept of properly using a common
> version number scheme (Major.Minor.Patch) for libraries.
> http://semver.org/
> I think it would be especially easy to enforce a simple version of
> this system in a Clojure project. A program could inspect code and
> decide what version number to use during build time. The major version
> could be changed automatically once a public function, multi-method or
> macro arguments list change in a non-backward compatible way and also
> when some of them are removed. The patch version number could be
> incremented when code change (but not the API) and existing tests
> don't change or new tests have been added. The minor version could be
> incremented in other cases. This implementation have it's quirks, like
> not being able to check for return types. Doing it for real would
> certainly uncover a more lot subtle details.
> What do you thinking about this idea? How would you improve it?
> - budu

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