
Am 06.12.2009 um 20:13 schrieb Dave M:

>> (apply str (map identity [1 2 3]))
>> "123"
> API docs for the arguments to apply - "([f args* argseq])"; so the
> following is perhaps more straight-forward:

Ad the "straight-forward": I think this was just an example to show the 
lazy-seq issue since map returns one.

> Additionally, the following works too in Cloure 1.0.0:
> (apply str [1 2 3])
> => "123"
> ...though it does not follow from the API docs, which imply that the
> last argument to apply should be seq, and "(seq? [1 2 3])" => false.

The clojure sequence library is nice on you in that it calls seq on its 
arguments if it's supposed to be one. So you can also use eg. vectors were seqs 
are expected.


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