I should also add something I alluded to in another discussion (under
'positions'); this is the idea of making \any parameter into a rest
parameter.  For instance, if you had

(defnsk add [addend augend] ...)

you could call it like (add :addend 1 2 3 :augend 1 2) or (add [1 2 3]
[1 2 3 4]).

Must the poor programmer now check \all of his parameters to see if
they have been magically turned into rest parameters without his
knowing?  Of course not!  The function body is simply executed
repeatedly, and the results put in a list:

(add [1 2 3] [1 2 3 4]) -> [2 4 6]

If we were being \really permissive, we might want to return \two
results, one the straightforward element-by-element adding, the other
the 'cartesian' adding: [[2 4 6],[[2 3 4 5][3 4 5 6][4 5 6 7]]].  Or
we might allow a flag passed to all functions :cartesian :sequential
to turn this behavior on or off.

If function writers want to explicitly manipulate these sequences, of
course, that is fine; all I am saying is that if they do nothing, the
function \caller gets his sequence code for free.

To assist this way of programming, it might be a good idea to have
another type of 'permissive' sequence abstraction, which you might
call for old time's sake car and cdr:

(car [1 2 3]) -> 1
(cdr [1 2 3]) -> [2 3]
(car 1) -> 1
(cdr 1) -> nil

A direct reference to a sequence as if it were a singular element,
meanwhile, is an invitation to deal with the sequence at the level of
the function caller as we do above (who if he passes elements as a
sequence, presumably knows what he is doing).

I guess this is getting to be a pretty epic macro!  I figured it was
worth inviting boos and/or cheers and suggestions before setting out...

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