On Oct 28, 7:43 am, Tony Butterfield <t...@1060.org> wrote:
> 1) start and stop the Clojure runtime on demand.

"Clojure runtime" is a bit of a misnomer; Clojure has no runtime other
than the compiler.  That's why all the methods of clojure.lang.RT are

> there a way to cleanly shutdown. I.e. stop threads, and enable a full
> garbage collection of the Clojure libraries?

Just guessing, but this should do it:
1. (shutdown-agents)
2. release all references to clojure.lang.RT
3. System.gc()

> 2) is there a way to ensure isolation of functionality in one runtime?

Nope.  Again, there's no such thing as a Clojure runtime.  Clojure is
really more like a special kind of Classloader that happens to
load .clj files.

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