Do you mind sharing the links? I am interested in it as well.



2009/10/28 Tony Butterfield <>:
> Tom Hicks has just pointed me to an old thread which answers
> questions about namespaces and isolation. Let me read and
> absorb all that work first - I suspect it answers a lot of my
> questions.
> Cheers, Tony
> On Oct 28, 11:43 am, Tony Butterfield <> wrote:
>> Hi Everybody
>> this is my first post to this group so please tell me If I'm posting
>> in the wrong place. I've been looking at integrating Clojure into
>> NetKernel as language runtime library but I'm struggling a bit for a
>> lack of examples. There are two things I'm trying to achieve:
>> 1) start and stop the Clojure runtime on demand. I need to do this so
>> that new versions can be deployed whilst the server is live. Looking
>> at the latest version (1.0.0) I see that I no longer need to call
>> RT.init() and that startup is done statically. That's fine but is
>> there a way to cleanly shutdown. I.e. stop threads, and enable a full
>> garbage collection of the Clojure libraries?
>> 2) is there a way to ensure isolation of functionality in one runtime?
>> I can see how I can use namespaces to avoid naming collisions but is
>> it possible to enforce tighter security across namespaces or is there
>> another technique? I'm quite new to closure so sorry if that is a
>> stupid question - the trouble is I want to get it running inside
>> NetKernel as good environment to explore the language - horse before
>> the cart! When Clojure scripts execute inside NetKernel environment it
>> is important that they act like pure functions with no side-effects on
>> others.
>> Thanks in advance for you advice,
>> Tony
> >

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