On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 1:38 PM, Meikel Brandmeyer <m...@kotka.de> wrote:
>> All good here, but, if I do the eval variation,
>> user=> (eval (list (symbol ".setFileSelectionMode") jfc 1))
> Another example which shows that eval is not worth the trouble. It is
> better to use reflection. You cannot embed the JFileChooser as a
> object into the code. You have to construct it in your eval. (eval `
> (let [chooser# (JFileChooser.)] (~(symbol ".setFileSelectionMode")
> chooser# 1) chosser#)).

Thanks for all the people that helped. But I just wonder, why?
I mean, why one cannot embed an object in the eval code?


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