
Just chiming in a bit late -- just wanted to say that Clojure has
really been saving my butt these last three long days. My customer has
a codebase which is written in a language without any sort of fancy
REPL. I'm able to tap into that system and have Clojure draw out the
info, so I can manipulate it in real-time through the REPL.

What's been very helpful is clojure.zip and clojure.set; I needed to
correlate data which came from a DB and an XML file -- and it was
immediately obvious that clojure.set/join and clojure.set/rename could
do it in 4 sparse lines. (Because it was natural to work with
sequences of maps.)

(Later, I'll have to reflect on that a bit -- maybe I'm just a neuron
away from using something like Datalog.)

Happy (belated) birthday,

PS: Programming Clojure is a very engrossing read too; I could read it
at the gym... at least when I had my hands free.

On Oct 16, 6:12 pm, Rich Hickey <richhic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> http://clojure.blogspot.com/2009/10/clojure-is-two.html
> Thanks again to all!
> Rich

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