So, ive been trying this out and it hasn't quite been working out.
First, im getting a inputstream from a Process. Then i'm getting a
channel from it
using Channels/newChannel. This gives me a ReadableByteChannelImpl
which claims to implemen tInterruptibleChannel$ReadableByteChannelImpl.html#read%28ByteBuffer%29
However, when i attempt to close the channel or do (.interrupt *th*)
it stalls on me. Is there something i'm missing?
Also, im not quite sure how to register it with a selector because it
doesn't have the register method defined.

(def *ch* (Channels/newChannel input-stream))

(def *th* (with-thread nil  ;;start a new thread
                (Channels/newChannel input-stream) ;;produces
#<ReadableByteChannelImpl java.nio.channels.Channels
                (allocate-byte-buffer 1024) ;;create new byte buffer
(.close *ch*) ;;stalls so does (.interrupt *ch*)

I'm guessing the (Thread/sleep ) will work for me but i'm still not
sure why this is not working.
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