How about borrowing a page from LaTeX? That has a \verb+text+ which can use
any desired delimiter character. My thought is to have something like
$+.....+ turning whatever was between the character following $ (here, +)
until the next occurrence of that character into a literal string. A way to
escape the chosen character is still desirable, though it could be chosen in
most cases not to be needed. Perhaps the sequence $+ recurring would
translate to a literal + (and any other $x digraph into a literal $x
digraph). $ seems like a good choice because it suggests the letter s, as in
string, is not already overloaded in Clojure for some following symbols
(unlike #), and very rarely occurs in text with a nonwhitespace character
afterward. (This post stands as an obvious exception, but even then, I've
used $+ and $x only so using a third nonwhitespace character after the $
would allow quoting this post verbatim in the same manner.)Sole limitation
on the following character would be that it not be whitespace (a stand-alone
$ would be treated the same as it currently is, as would a $ with no leading
whitespace, so referencing nested Java classes would not be broken;
multicharacter symbols starting with $ would be but I expect there is as of
yet little or no preexisting code with such symbols).

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