
Am 05.09.2009 um 18:29 schrieb ronen:

The main thing that i would add to the docs is a trouble shooting
section that consist of common user mistakes how to check them &
possible fixes, I think that the installation procedure can be further
automated (as mentioned before me).

That's also a good idea. I'll try to list some symptoms and the corresponding likely causes.

Im willing to do a small screen cast that shows how simple it is to
install & some usage functionality & load it up to Youtube (if you are

I already did a screencast for the installation: http://kotka.blip.tv

My plan is to also do some more episodes. Next should be showing off some features, doc lookup, code evaluation, syntax highlighting, etc. Finally I plan to do something like the "DSL in Lisp" movie: a small example from scratch, starting from a pristine clojure file, exploring in the Repl, moving code to the file, etc..

If you are interested in contributing the one or the other episode, I'd appreciate every contribution here. I'm not very experienced in making screencasts and it's very likely, that I don't find the time in the near future to do them. So if you are interested please drop me an email. But note that I will be the next two weeks on vacation, and hence have only limited (if any) access to my email.


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