Status: I've applied for membership on the dev list, citing this
thread so this can be discussed with the major contributors.

2009/8/18 Harold Ancell <>:
> At 10:20 AM 8/18/2009, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:
> Greetings and salutations.
>>On Aug 18, 4:50 pm, Harold Ancell <> wrote:
>>> When I stumbled on the clojure-1.0.0.jar problem I updated
>>> the appropriate page there in a few minutes including
>>> registering an account, which isn't required:
>>The problem with the wikibook site is, that they
>>came up with some moronic "quality management"....
> Well, this seems to make sense for a wiki that's dedicated to
> creating textbooks, e.g. see this page which covers the
> reviewing process:
>  Wikibooks uses the FlaggedRevs extension (also known as
>  flagged revisions or stable revisions) so that editors and
>  reviewers can review page revisions for quality. Reviewed
>  pages are said to be stable.
>  This feature allows readers who are not logged in, or have
>  set their stability preferences accordingly, to be served
>  with stable versions for pages where they exist. This
>  makes low activity books more resistant to vandalism.
>  Regular contributors are automatically given editor status
>  by the software. Editors automatically review pages at the
>  lowest setting (called sighting a page) when they save, so
>  active books will usually have contributions by
>  non-editors added shortly after they are committed.
> This underlines the point that Wikibooks is not ideal for a general
> purpose Clojure wiki.
>                                        - Harold
> >

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