On Aug 6, 4:53 am, Rich Hickey <richhic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Aug 5, 10:10 pm, Luc Prefontaine <lprefonta...@softaddicts.ca>
> wrote:
> > I like this very much... that's the kind of clever optimizations that
> > preserves Clojure principles and
> > can yield significant performance increases. This could also help
> > dealing with performance critics
> > in these small mutable languages "benchmarks" that newbies attempt to
> > clone in Clojure.
> > Thank's Rich !
> You're welcome!
> And special thanks to Christophe Grand, who (quickly!) applied the
> same technique to the hash maps and contributed that yesterday. So
> now, in the master branch, vectors and hash maps support transients.
> Everyone please try them out (where appropriate :).
> Rich
Thank you, Christophe! I've been wanting to try those out.
I made changes to 3 lines of my Clojure program for the k-nucleotide
benchmark, which spends most of its time in a function tally-dna-subs-
with-len that creates a hash map counting the number of times that
each of a bunch of length k strings occurs in a long string. Source
here, if you're curious:
It went from about 19 minutes down to about 12 minutes. Excellent
improvement for a small change to the code. That brings it down to
about 7.7 times the run time of the Java version from the language
shootout web site.
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