On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 7:54 AM, Laurent PETIT<laurent.pe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Looks very interesting !
> One question: wouldn't seem more natural to have transient named transient!
> and persistent! named persistent ?
> I see a call to transient as "Enter the mutable world", so it seems to me
> (transient! []) conveys more this meaning than (transient []).
> I see a call to persistent! as "Enter back the immutable world", so
> (persistent v) seems more interesting than (persistent! v) ?
> And also, there may be the use case where some pure functions would protect
> their arguments by calling persistent! on them :
> This:
> (defn some-fn [v]
>   (let [v (persistent v)] ...)
> looks better in a pure function than this:
> (defn some-fn [v]
>   (let [v (persistent! v)] ...)
> where the ! catches the eye ...

The transient function has no side effects, the persistent! function
does, thus the names.


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