Say I have a data structure like this

(def ref-map-map-map-set (ref {:key1 {:key2 {:key3 #{}}}}))

If I want to add a new member to the set which is the value of :key3,
I currently do this:

 (let [key1 (:key1 @ref-map-map-map-set)
       key2 (:key2 key1)
       key3 (:key3 key2)]
   (ref-set ref-map-map-map-set (assoc @ref-map-map-map-set :key1
(assoc key1 :key2 (assoc key2 :key3 (conj key3 new-member)))))))

Do I really have to assoc all the way through to the inner map? Isn't
there a more succinct way to write this? In Common Lisp there's (setf
(getf ...))
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