
In case this helps, I've had a bit longer to dwell on this problem and  
I have a couple of ideas. I do think this raises the general question  
of, are Clojure .NET and Clojure Java two different languages or two  
implementations of the same language? Normally in a situation like  
this (say, Jython and Python) I would say that they should be two  
implementations of the same language but the situation is complicated  
by the fact that Clojure code relies heavily on Java objects since the  
policy is not to wrap everything. I'm not sure how the subject of  
Clojure .NET / Java portability has been approached but my naïve guess  
is that it would revolve around separating Java dependencies and .NET  
dependencies from pure Clojure code. Is anyone else addressing these  
issues in their own code at this time?

Back to your code. First of all, to simplify things, it's probably a  
good idea to decouple your I/O from your parsing, since the parsing  
can be functional. First I rewrote starts-with-hmorx into this:

(defn starts-with-hm-or-x [name]
   (#{\H \M \X} (.charAt name 0)))

Which I think is simpler, building on the fact that sets can be used  
as functions, but then I thought it would probably be better to  
rewrite the functions into one that gets the information from the  
filesystem and another one that gets the information you want out:

(defn parse-subfolder-name
    (when-let [[_ digit] (re-find #"(\d).*" name)]
      (Integer/parseInt digit))
    (when-let [[_ hmx] (re-find #"([hHmMxX]).*" name)]
      (.toLowerCase hmx))

Unfortunately I'm still dependent on some Java API stuff in there, but  
I think you can probably translate to the .NET equivalents. This is  
easier to test at the REPL:

user> (parse-subfolder-name "0stuf")
user> (parse-subfolder-name "Hstuf")
user> (parse-subfolder-name "stuf")

Then I'd set about handling the loading of the filename and  
dispatching it:

(defn get-subfolder-name
    (.ToString (Path/GetFileNameWithoutExtensions filename))))

Now it should be easier to determine where the problem is, either in  
the I/O code or in the functional code which is easier to test at the  

As an aside, I'd recommend that you follow the naming convention of  
using lowercase function names with words separated by hypens (get- 
subfolder-name) rather than CamelCase (GetSubfolderName). Also, it  
doesn't look to me like GetSubfolderName is really returning a  
subfolder's name but I'm not quite sure what it is doing either. Are  
you working on an app with specific meaning tied to the first  
character of a path name or is this a .NET filesystem thing? Just  

Thanks and hope this helps,

Daniel Lyons

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