
On Jun 30, 2009, at 8:55 PM, mmwaikar wrote:

> I am learning clojure these days, but on .Net. I have the following
> code -
> (import '(System.IO Path Directory File DirectoryNotFoundException))
> (defn starts-with-hmorx [name]
>       (if (or (= (.ToUpper (.ToString name)) "H")
>                 (= (.ToUpper (.ToString name)) "M")
>                 (= (.ToUpper (.ToString name)) "X")) true false))
> (defn GetSubfolderName [filename]
>       ((def name-wo-extn (Path/GetFileNameWithoutExtension filename))
>        (def first-char (aget (.ToCharArray (.ToString name-wo-extn)) 0))
>        (if (Char/IsDigit first-char) (Convert/ToInt32 first-char) (if
> (starts-with-hmorx first-char) (.ToLower (.ToString first-char))
> "other"))))

I think you want something like this instead:

(defn GetSubfolderName [filename]
   (let [name-wo-extn (Path/GetFileNameWithoutExtension filename)
        first-char (aget (.ToCharArray (.ToString name-wo-extn)) 0)]
     (if (Char/IsDigit first-char) (Convert/ToInt32 first-char)
        (if (starts-with-hmorx first-char) (.ToLower (.ToString first-char))  

The nested if is a little unusual though. I would probably rewrite it  
to use cond. If you can get a repl going, try to step through each  
expression and see where the problem is that way. I don't have  
Clojure .NET set up to give a more precise answer unfortunately.

Daniel Lyons

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