On Apr 26, 9:18 am, lpetit <laurent.pe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 26 avr, 15:04, Rich Hickey <richhic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Apr 24, 1:57 pm, Howard Lewis Ship <hls...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Another option is for the version number to be in build.xml, and for
> > > it to generate a runtime file (so that Clojure can know its own
> > > version number) and set the version number inside a generated pom.xml.
> > >  You can use Ant resource copying with filters to accomplish both
> > > these goals.
> > Sounds good, if by runtime file you mean a .properties file.
> > Patch welcome.
> I can do it tonight.
> (It's already half done).
> Rich, I thought you wanted to avoid generating files in the source
> directories.
> So there are 2 options here: either the version number is in src/clj/
> clojure/version.properties and every other script reads from there,
> either the version number is in build.xml and ant propagates it, even
> to the src/clj/clojure/version.properties location.
> I prefer the former to the latter, since then nothing is generated in
> the src/ folder.
> What is your preference ? If no answer, the patch I'll submit will be
> along the lines of the former.

The former is fine - thanks very much!


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