On Apr 23, 11:24 am, Laurent PETIT <laurent.pe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2009/4/23 Rich Hickey <richhic...@gmail.com>:
> > On Apr 22, 12:41 pm, Laurent PETIT <laurent.pe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> 2009/4/22 Rich Hickey <richhic...@gmail.com>:
> >> > [...]
> >> > {:major 1, :minor 0, :incremental 0, :qualifier :rc1 :interim true}
> >> > for interim versions and
> >> > {:major 1, :minor 0, :incremental 0}
> >> > for releases. :interim tracks the SNAPSHOT segment of the version
> >> > string.
> >> > [...]
> >> > I don't mind the build producing clojure-1.0.0.jar etc, but it doesn't
> >> > now. The master build is Ant. Where is the best place to put the
> >> > version info so it can be leveraged by Ant, Maven and the clojure core
> >> > runtime in order to produce *clojure-version* ?
> >> Here a patch that allows to initialize from ant and from a file
> >> version.properties the values in *clojure-version*.
> >> The patch only addresses the problematic of having a single place for
> >> version attributes.
> >> Having the ant build also use these properties for creating correctly
> >> numbered jars is not part of the patch.
> >> Note that I had to create a new file, src/clj/clojure/core_version.clj
> >> , which is created by ant as a combination of template file
> >> core_version-template.clj and the properties from version.properties.
> >> You'll see that if you don't like the names of the keys in
> >> version.properties, build.xml is the single place where to change them
> >> (apart from version.properties, of course).
> >> Also, if you don't like the name version.properties (e.g. if it should
> >> be named project.properties or whatever for easing maven users), then
> >> you just have to change its occurence in build.xml too.
> >> If you like it, it can file an issue to google code and attach the patch,
> > Thanks!
> > I can't say I love the idea of generating a file during build.
> Me too, that's why I have made the file as short and independent as possible.
> Well, I tried to keep close to the idea of having the version numbers
> "built-in", similarly to what was commited where it was also not read
> from a "simpler file" at load time.
> > What about clojure.jar containing a properties file it reads at load time?
> Why not, indeed ? The file would have to placed in the classpath, e.g.
> in directory src/jvm/clojure/lang or src/clj/clojure.
> > Could the same file be read by the various builds?
> For ant, yes.
> For maven2, it's more complex.
> Indeed, I have read past the entire reference of the pom, searched
> through the ml, and it seems that it's not possible at all to have
> maven2 read properties file but its own which are not suitable for our
> purpose.
> So I that even if we don't generate a clojure source file by reading
> version.properties at load time from the classpath, it will be
> difficult to avoid having to generate the maven2 pom.xml file from a
> pom-template.xml ...
> Not that it would be difficult, it's just a matter of adding a
> init-mvn task in the ant build.xml, and make all mvn related ant tasks
> depend on it.

I appreciate the feedback. Ant/maven, property files and builds are
not my area of expertise, so I'm holding off on 1.0 until I can get
some working solution here (from anyone willing/able).


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