Hi Sigrid,

    Was clojure-contrib compiled with a relevant "-Dclojure.jar="
option? For example,
ant -Dclojure.jar=/path/to/clojure.jar

     For what it's worth, I startup a Clojure REPL with:
java -cp c:\dl\clojure\clojure.jar;c:\dl\clojure-contrib\clojure-
contrib.jar;. clojure.lang.Repl

     And I was able to run:
user=> (use 'clojure.contrib.repl-utils)
user=> (source map)
(defn map
  "Returns a lazy sequence consisting of the result of applying f to
  set of first items of each coll, followed by applying f to the set
  of second items in each coll, until any one of the colls is
  exhausted.  Any remaining items in other colls are ignored. Function
  f should accept number-of-colls arguments."
  ([f coll]
    (when-let [s (seq coll)]
      (cons (f (first s)) (map f (rest s))))))
  ([f c1 c2]
    (let [s1 (seq c1) s2 (seq c2)]
      (when (and s1 s2)
        (cons (f (first s1) (first s2))
              (map f (rest s1) (rest s2)))))))
  ([f c1 c2 c3]
    (let [s1 (seq c1) s2 (seq c2) s3 (seq c3)]
      (when (and  s1 s2 s3)
        (cons (f (first s1) (first s2) (first s3))
              (map f (rest s1) (rest s2) (rest s3)))))))
  ([f c1 c2 c3 & colls]
   (let [step (fn step [cs]
                  (let [ss (map seq cs)]
                    (when (every? identity ss)
                      (cons (map first ss) (step (map rest ss)))))))]
     (map #(apply f %) (step (conj colls c3 c2 c1))))))


On Apr 25, 4:41 pm, Sigrid <keyd...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm just starting with clojure, and I cannot get to use the
> clojure.contrib.repl-utils/source function:
> user=> (use 'clojure.contrib.repl-utils)
> nil
> user=> (source map)
> Source not found
> nil
> I have  the clojure-sources.jar in my classpath:
> alias repl='java -cp /Users/hunli/Library/clojure/clojure.jar:/Users/
> hunli/Library/clojure/clojure-contrib.jar:/Users/hunli/Library/clojure/
> clojure-sources.jar clojure.lang.Repl'
> Does anyone have an idea what I'm doing wrong?
> thanks a lot for any help
> Sigrid
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