Laurent PETIT a écrit :
> 2009/4/23 Christophe Grand <>:
>> *Warning this message contains mutable state and may hurt functional
>> sensibilities.*
>> Ugly hack:
>> (defn my-split-with [pred coll]
>>  (let [s (atom coll)
>>        p #(when-let [r (pred %)] (swap! s rest) r)]
>>    [(take-while p coll) (drop-while pred (lazy-seq @s))]))
> Cheater ! ;-)
> But there's still the problem of having the user being able to check
> the second argument before having exhausted (if possible) the first...
> and then having an infinite loop: e.g. (first (second (my-split-with
> true? (repeat true))).

I don't see the problem, it's like (dropwhile true? (repeat true)) you 
can't protect the user from himself.

> And maybe calling swap! for each matched elem may be expensive ?
> (That's a real question, I don't have any real idea, just a guess ...)

Neither do I. Updates to the atom are serialized by the lazy-seq 
realization, so we don't even need an atom: a simple volatile field 
should do the trick. No?

> But wait ... the more I think about it, the more it appears to me
> (though I can not prove it formally) that the problem requires
> side-effect to be solved, either via the use of mutation, either via
> the use of multiple threads for coordinating the feeding of 2 separate
> sequences ?

I share your intuition on this.


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