Hi all!

(defn mystery-function [pred coll]
    (when (seq coll)
      (let [[run etc] (split-with pred coll)]
        (if (seq run)
          (concat run (cons :foo (mystery-function pred etc)))
          (cons (first coll) (mystery-function pred (rest coll))))))))


samppi a écrit :
> Let's say I have a sequence of integers:
>   (def a (3 9 1 5 102 -322 ...))
> Is there a function for inserting an object—let's say :foo—after
> elements that fulfill a certain predicate?
> Furthermore, I mean inserting :foo after any block of elements that
> fulfill it:
>   (mystery-function (partial > 6) a) ; -> (3 :foo 9 1 5 :foo 102
> -322 :foo ...)
> Is it possible to do this without a loop?
> >

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