Hi Micheal,

Am 22.04.2009 um 21:18 schrieb Michael Wood:

Your version gives the same answer as mine, but I believe what he
wants is something that skips over all the elements that pass the test
and only inserts one instance of o after them.  That's why in his
example there is not a :foo after 1, but only after 5.

Laurent's version gets this right.

Oops. Sorry, misread the message. Another try.

(defn mystery-function
  [f o s]
  (let [step (fn step [b s]
                 (if-let [s (seq s)]
                   (let [fst (first s)]
                       (and (f fst) b) (cons fst (step b (rest s)))
                       b     (cons o (step false s))
                       :else (cons fst (step (f fst) (rest s)))))
                   (when b (list o)))))]
    (step false s)))


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