On Apr 5, 1:32 pm, dlb <d...@davidlballenger.com> wrote:
> I have the same problem on my Mac as well, i.e. if clojure.jar is
> loaded from ~/Library/Java/Extensions rather than from the classpath,
> then clojure does not find files on the classpath.  I did some poking
> around and on my Mac OS X 10.5.6 with Java 6.
> ...

It seems like this is something that could be easily fixed during the
installation process.  That is, installing Clojure should create a set
of scripts, "clj" and "cljc" that start up the repl (or load a script,
as in the Wiki) and compile Clojure programs, respectively.  The
Clojure jars could be in some central location (say, /usr/lib/clojure
on a standard *nix system), and these scripts would get all the jars &
classes from there into the classpath somehow.

This way, people new to the system could download, do some "make &&
make install" or "ant install" (?) process, and have an immediately
working system with little to no effort.  Does this sound like it
would be desired and/or useful?

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