On 18.04.2009, at 12:15, John Newman wrote:

> 2) One way to maintain Clojure's flexibility would be if it were  
> like what the kernel is to a Linux distribution.  What if every  
> distribution had to use the same standard set of packages?  The  
> Linux ecosystem is much richer today because the kernel can develop  
> somewhat independently of the applications that target it.

True, but there is still a standard set of packages (or rather  
functionalities) that all but the most specialized Linux  
distributions contain and that everybody expects to find in a  
"normal" Linux distribution. Things like the shell, ls, rm, etc.

> One way to compensate for a lack of "batteries included" might be a  
> powerful, agnostic library management solution, which allows for  
> different contrib libraries, VMs, or architectures, but that  
> definitely seems like a 2.0 feature.

That sounds like a lot of work, and it won't take care of one  
important contribution of a standard library: standardization for  
basic, well-understood tasks. It's no fun to program in an  
environment where there are three competing libraries for parsing  
HTML that differ only in function names and parameter order.


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