I have written up my journeys so far:

I re-used Meikel's ant + ivy successfully.   Next step is to get something
working for the transative deps , i.e. pulling other clojure projects i
depend on and building them and getting the resulting jars and transitive
deps on the classpath.  Rigth now I jsut pack it all up into jars at the top
level lib dir and add that to my swank-extra-classpaths.

I have had some good discussions with Meikel Brandmeyer and Phil Hagelberg
and things seem to be coming along nicely.

I'd like to get things working with ant + ivy xml and so I understand all
the issues and then start building out Lancet or something similar so we can
script in clojure rather than xml. :-)

On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 7:06 AM, Meikel Brandmeyer <m...@kotka.de> wrote:

> Hi Bradford,
> Am 08.04.2009 um 21:31 schrieb Bradford Cross:
>  I heard some chatter yesterday on #clojure about using Ivy with Clojure.
> Yes. I'm working on marrying Clojure and Ivy. So far with, IMHO,
> great success. I set up a little ivy repo with clojure and contrib.
> The clojure module has the following configurations:
> - default => AOT compiled clojure jar
> - dev => the previous + a source jar
> - slim => Java source compiled, clojure sources as is
> The contrib module has (roughly) one configuration per unit, ie.
> def, pprint, stacktrace...., with the following exceptions:
> - I grouped together the scattered math stuff into a math configuration.
> - generic and types depend on each other so their combined into
>  the generic configuration.
> Similar to clojure a source configuration is included, which adds
> a source jar to the dependencies
> This allows very fine-grained control of what is needed. So if you want
> only def, you only download a 13k not 2.5M.
> To use this setup, you only have to specify the dependencies in
> your ivy.xml and ivysettings.xml files. Here an example:
> ivysettings.xml:
> <ivysettings>
>    <include url="${ivy.default.settings.dir}/ivysettings.xml"/>
>    <include url="http://kotka.de/ivy/ivysettings.xml"/>
> </ivysettings>
> The first line sucks in the default configuration, the second tells
> Ivy how to resolve the clojure and contrib dependencies.
> ivy.xml:
> <ivy-module version="2.0">
>    ... <!-- project specific stuff here -->
>    <dependencies>
>        <dependency org="org.clojure" name="clojure-lang" rev="1.0.0"
> conf="default"/>
>        <dependency org="org.clojure" name="clojure-contrib" rev="1.0.0"
> conf="default->def"/>
>    </dependencies>
> </ivy-module>
> Now you only have to integrate Ivy with your build system. It can
> be done very easily with ant, but may also be used standalone,
> eg. with make.
> Here you can see an example how I integrated Ivy with my lazymap project.
>    http://bitbucket.org/kotarak/lazymap/src/
> It is avalaible via the kotka.de ivysettings as
>    <dependency org="de.kotka" name="lazymap" rev="2.2.0" conf="default"/>
> I can't speak for SLIME, but VimClojure can be simply started with the
> resolved jars from lib directory in the classpath.
>  -I download lots of little projects things from github and i want to munge
>> them all together for my app. This means I need to build jars (some with
>> ant, otehrs with maven, etc.)  and in other cases I want to depend directly
>> on the .clj files using clojures namespace-to-dir-structure conventions.  So
>> there are a couple different ways to build of the classpath - one for .clj
>> and one for .jar.
> I'm not sure, that Ivy can help in the general case, where you have to
> build
> the dependencies. I think it only downloads the files and makes them
> available.
> In particular it doesn't seem to handle subdirectories. So vanilla clj
> might not
> work.
>  -Many projects also have their own lib foler - with both jars and cljs, so
>> I need to pick those deps up transatively.
> This is a breeze with Ivy. It must say, that this just works beautifully.
> The
> dependencies either work with Ivy or with Maven and are resolved
> transitively.
> You can also mirror dependencies locally, to make sure they don't go away.
>  -The work in the Clojure community is proceeding very fast, so I'd like
>> updating all the projects from git to be automated as well.
> This could be easily done with Ivy. Check out the dependencies you need.
> Add an ivy.xml and a custom build script for ant. Then you can create a
> master build.xml, which iterates through all dependencies in the right
> order
> to pull changes, rebuild and publish into your local repository.
> I actually haven't set up production version of such a structure but I
> tried
> around and it worked without problems. The Ivy documentation has some
> tutorial on this.
>  So what is a good solution to these problems?  Perhaps it would be cool to
>> build some git/maven/lancet aware infrastructure to do this refreshing of
>> deps, building the deps, and building up the classpath.  It may also be good
>> to configure .emacs to be able to load projects and rebuild the classpath
>> dynamically based on lancet build files - much in the way that intelliJ or
>> eclipse load projects from ant .builds or maven poms.
> I'm not sure for bigger setups, but for my current needs Ivy Just Works. So
> I think it's certainly worth a look.
> Sincerely
> Meikel
> PS: May changes to clojure and contrib are attached as diffs. They add the
> Ivy information and a new build+ivy.xml for ant.

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