When you are building something real with Clojure and Emacs/Slime/Swank -
things can get a bit hairy with dependency management.

I have scoured the inter-tubes in the past couple days to see what I could

I found Lancet, for builds:

I haven't tried it yet.

I found some people doing things with Maven:

Creating a clojurue app with maven:

clojure-pom: http://github.com/dysinger/clojure-pom/tree/master

I heard some chatter yesterday on #clojure about using Ivy with Clojure.

So there is a flurry of activity.  Please let me know if there are other
things that I am missing.

What I am doing now from my emacs / slime-repl is hacking things in manually
to my  swank-clojure-extra-classpaths.  This doesn't scale for working with
multiple clojure projects in emacs.

I will probably create a script to make things a bit nicer.  But I'd like
something fundamentally better.

Here are the issues:

-I download lots of little projects things from github and i want to munge
them all together for my app. This means I need to build jars (some with
ant, otehrs with maven, etc.)  and in other cases I want to depend directly
on the .clj files using clojures namespace-to-dir-structure conventions.  So
there are a couple different ways to build of the classpath - one for .clj
and one for .jar.
-Many projects also have their own lib foler - with both jars and cljs, so I
need to pick those deps up transatively.
-The work in the Clojure community is proceeding very fast, so I'd like
updating all the projects from git to be automated as well.

So what is a good solution to these problems?  Perhaps it would be cool to
build some git/maven/lancet aware infrastructure to do this refreshing of
deps, building the deps, and building up the classpath.  It may also be good
to configure .emacs to be able to load projects and rebuild the classpath
dynamically based on lancet build files - much in the way that intelliJ or
eclipse load projects from ant .builds or maven poms.

Is all this too much, am I missing something that already exists?

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