Laurent PETIT wrote:
> Hi,
> 2009/4/2 Jason Sankey < <>>
>     Ivy [ ... ] also supports pluggable resolvers, so
>     you can host your Jars/dependency information in multiple ways.
> Does that mean one could write resolvers to automagically get libraries 
> from "source" repositories such as github, bitbucket, ... (as long as a 
> minimal standard convention for the repositories layout is followed) ?
> Clearly identified versions could be directly mapped to tagged branches, 
> and SNAPSHOT versions to the HEAD  branch ?
> This could be really cool ! :-)

I certainly think this is possible.  Are you talking about building from 
the source on demand, or having jars stored in the repositories?  It 
sounds like the former, in which case I'm not sure if this would be an 
efficient way to do it.

Instead, you can just have a build server that builds the projects on 
every change, and publishes the jars to a repository.  Apart from the 
efficiency of building only once, the jars would only be published on a 
successful build/test.  This is what I have set up now for clojure and 
clojure-contrib on, where the jars go to an 
internal Ivy repository.  I believe Howard Lewis Ship also has a build 
server that builds clojure only and publishes it to a Maven repository.

I'm happy to expand if people find it useful to other 
clojure projects, and work on the features of the internal repository.


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