On Mar 22, 2009, at 11:47, stephaner wrote:

> I join the crowd too,

Me too!

Like many here, I have used lots of languages over time, starting  
with Microsoft Basic in 1982 and ranging from various Assemblers via  
C and Fortran to more recent high-level languages. For the last  
twelve years, my main language has been Python. I have toyed with  
various Lisps repeatedly, but always went back to something else  
becase of the lack of portability and library support for both Scheme  
and Common Lisp.

I discovered Clojure by accident and decided to investigate it in  
detail. The features that attracted me are decent support for a  
functional programming style, including versatile data types that go  
with it, and concurrency support. I then discovered lots of other  
nice features and a really well thought-out overall design.

  The JVM has always been the aspect of Clojure that I am most  
ambivalent about. It is what avoids other Lisps' portability and  
library problems, but it is also what limits Clojure's use for me  
most, as the JVM startup time makes Clojure unsuitable for small  
quick-running scripts. There is also a serious lack of library  
support for my main application domain, scientific computing, but I  
am confident that that will change in the future.

Thanks, Rich, and keep up the good work!


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