On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 12:31 AM, Scott Fraser <scott.e.fra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have taken Larry's "Game of Life" example that he originally posted
> here:
> http://groups.google.com/group/clojure/msg/fdfc88f1ba95bdee
> ...and updated it to use all the CPU's your JVM has access to...


Your changes indeed make it run significantly faster for me.  Thanks!

I added a 'reset' button and changed some of the java method calls to
be a bit more (I think) idomatic clojure.

The full file is here:

And a patch is attached (you also left off the import statements in you email).

FYI: Scott Fraser is giving a talk on clojure at the Philly Emerging
Technologies for the Enterprise conference next week:



Kyle Burton

kyle.bur...@gmail.com                            http://asymmetrical-view.com/

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Attachment: life.patch
Description: Binary data

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