On Mar 11, 11:11 pm, e <evier...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 6:28 PM, Stuart Sierra
> <the.stuart.sie...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > Ok, here's a real one: if you need to use a lot of C/C++ libraries,
> > for which there are no Java replacements, Clojure won't be much fun,
> > because C/C++ interop with Java is not fun.  You'll probably be
> > happier with a Lisp/Scheme implementation that compiles to C; several
> > such languages exist.
> this could make it survivable:http://nestedvm.ibex.org/

Ahhh...nestedvm is not going to be a good idea for most of the cases
that come up when discussing C/C++ integration.  There's:

* JNA: https://jna.dev.java.net/
* gluegen: https://gluegen.dev.java.net/

Those are the two that I have some experience with, but I'm sure there
are more.  It's definitely an area that could be a lot better, but
tools do exist.

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