The compiler seems to currently use the *:const* hint, to know that it should return the analyzed expression value for the var (as if it was quoted) instead of the *VarExpr* (which would mean a deref at run-time) (see here <> ).
For the code you posted, my understanding of what the compiler does is: (def ^:const bar 100) ;; `bar` is created with {:const true} metadata attached to it. (defmacro foo [x] (+ 10 x)) ;; `foo` macro is created with the function body provided. (foo bar) The list expression `(foo bar)` is identified as a seq so it's analyzed as one here <;;> . This tries to macroexpand the expression, which in this case will result in `(foo bar)` being expanded into `(+ 10 foo)`. This new expression `(+ 10 foo)` gets analyzed as a seq again, but on macroexpansion there's nothing to do, so it's unchanged. There are some checks for the first form in the seq which include: 1. Is it `nil`? 2. Is it a var (or does it resolve to a var) with `:inline` metadata specified which applies to the current number of args (here <> )? 3. Is it the symbol `fn*`? 4. Is it any of the special forms? 5. Otherwise consider it as a function invocation expression. In our example the `+` symbol resolves to the function `clojure.core/+` which does have `:inline` metadata for inlining. The inlining works sort of like macroexpansion and the `(+ 10 foo)` expression will end up being `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (add 10 foo))` (see here <> and here <> ). This expression gets analyzed as a seq as well. The `.` is a special form (see here <>), but that's not important. What we care about at this point is that the compiler hasn't tried to resolved the symbol `foo` so far, it will try to do so while parsing this DOT expression here <>. This will finally result in the `:const` metadata entry being used in here <> and the constant expression being returned. So what we end up with is the equivalent to analyzing the expression `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (add 10 100))`. The JVM probably includes constant folding optimization, but I doubt it's able to figure out that `clojure.lang.Number/add` <> is number addition. I hope this helps in somw way. It was a fun exercise. :) Cheers! On Monday, November 5, 2018 at 12:07:44 AM UTC+1, Didier wrote: > > Macroexpansion is given the raw forms that are read, and I think >> that's a good thing. Inside a macro you can always call >> macroexpand yourself if you want to (or resolve values another >> way) but there's no way to "undo" automatic macroexpansion. >> > > That's a good point. I guess resolving the constant inside the macro still > performs the compile time optimization of in-lining. > > I guess my question now becomes, when does const actually expands? Or what > does it do exactly? In my mind, it is supposed to inline its usage. So does > it do so after expansion? > > On Thursday, 15 March 2018 18:15:16 UTC-7, Carlo Zancanaro wrote: >> >> On Thu, Mar 15 2018, Didier wrote: >> > I feel it would be really cool to be able to factor some input >> > to macros into constants, is this something I could open a >> > ticket for, to extend ^:const so it can inline all literal >> > values and also does the inlining before macroexpanssion so that >> > the above would work? >> >> Macroexpansion is given the raw forms that are read, and I think >> that's a good thing. Inside a macro you can always call >> macroexpand yourself if you want to (or resolve values another >> way) but there's no way to "undo" automatic macroexpansion. >> >> As one particular example, how would this work in your world? If >> the `bar` is replaced ahead of time in the usage of `l` then it >> cannot be shadowed as an identifier. >> >> (def ^:const bar {:a 100}) >> (defmacro l [name value & body] >> `(let [~name ~value] >> ~@body)) >> (l bar 1 >> (+ bar 1)) >> >> If you want to factor out things for macros (particularly macros >> that you don't control) you can try doing so at read time, with >> something that evaluates at read time, like so: >> >> (def bar {:a 100}) >> (defmacro foo [x] >> (:a x)) >> (foo #=(eval bar)) ;; => 100 >> >> It's a bit messy, but it draws attention to the fact that there's >> something unusual happening with evaluation order. >> >> Carlo >> > -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with your first post. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to For more options, visit