On Mar 8, 2009, at 18:53, Rich Hickey wrote:

> I know people usually think of collections when they see vector/map/
> set, and they think classes and types define something else. However,
> the vast majority of class and type instances in various languages are
> actually maps, and what the class/type defines is a specification of
> what should be in the map. Many of the languages don't expose the
> instances as maps as such and in failing to do so greatly deprive the
> users of the language from writing generic interoperable code.

My own experience is mostly with Python. Python objects are indeed  
essentially maps (Python calls them dictionaries). But even though it  
is easy to obtain the map equivalent of any object (object.__dict__),  
I hardly see this being done. Python programmers tend to use maps and  
objects in very different ways, and that includes experienced  
programmers who are very well aware that objects are just maps plus a  
type tag plus a set of methods.

One reason why generic everything-is-a-map code is not very common is  
that the majority of object definitions include specific constraints  
on the maps, most of them of the form "the map must have a key :x  
whose value is an integer". The object's methods don't make sense for  
maps that don't satisfy the constraints, and most generic map  
operations don't make sense on most objects because they are unaware  
of the constraints and in particular don't satisfy them in their  
return values.

The one area where I have seen uses of object.__dict__ is low-level  
data massaging protocols, like serialization or storage in databases.  
And that is indeed a good reason to use just a few fundamental data  
structures to represent everything.

> Finally we have contrib.types, an algebraic data type system where
> constructors generate vectors of unnamed components as instances.
> Again, unnamed positional components are an onion of some algebraic
> data type systems, there's no need to repeat that.

Positional arguments do have their uses. In particular when there is  
only one argument, it would be an unnecessary pain to have to name  
it. On the other hand, I do see your point of having a uniform  
internal representation in the form of maps.

> I'd very much like to see these libraries be interoperable, e.g. to
> store ADTs in a database or query them with Datalog, and I know that
> would be possible if they were all using maps consistently.

One problem I see with storing ADTs (or anything with a type tag) in  
a database is that the metadata and thus the type tag would be lost  
after a storage-retrieval cycle.


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