On Friday, March 2, 2018 at 9:58:35 PM UTC+5:30, Rob Nikander wrote:
> On Friday, March 2, 2018 at 12:48:28 AM UTC-5, Daniel wrote:
>> How do you know this code is causing the error? Unless this is all your 
>> code does, descriptions of the error suggest the memory leak might be 
>> coming from anywhere. This tight loop might trigger too many successive GCs 
>> though: have you observed if the error only occurs under load, or under 
>> large time intervals? Some combination?
> Okay, thanks for looking it over. This is a single-threaded, short lived 
> script, so this is the only thing happening. But it's possible there is an 
> unexpected large result set. I'll look into that. It may be smarter to use 
> `limit N` in my SQL, rather than the time range.


While I could see the intent of the original code, I found it hard to 
reason about where the problem might lie, given the loops in loops in loops.

Assuming the code is causing an error, I feel it will help to separate out 
the db query, and factor the rest of the logic into a pipeline.

This way one could:
 - profile the DB query and fix it separately
 - isolate and check each part of the records transformation pipeline
 - make more obvious what's going on (aid visual audit)

May I suggest something like this (If I've understood what the original 
code is trying to achieve):

(defn query-recs
  [db min-time max-time]
  (jdbc/query db
              ["select id, a, b, c from sometable where t > ? and t <= ? 
order by t"
               min-time max-time]))

(define intervals
  [min-time max-time]
  (->> (iterate (partial plus-minutes min-t) 30)
       (take-while #(before? max-time %))
       (partition 2 1)))

(defn find-db-records [db min-time max-time]
  (let [group-rows
        (fn [min-t max-t]
          (->> (query-recs db min-t max-t)
               (partition-all 200)))

        (fn [[rows foo]]
          (filter #(relevant-record? foo (:a %) (:b %))

        (fn [rows]
          (map #(assoc % :d (computed-d (:a %) (:b %) (:c %)))
    (reduce (fn [rxs [min-t max-t]]
              (->> (group-rows min-t max-t)
                   (map (juxt identity make-foo))
                   (map extract-relevant-records)
                   (mapcat proc-relevant-records)
                   (into rxs)))
            (intervals min-time max-time))))


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