I have some Clojure code that throws this, occasionally. Unfortunately I 
can’t paste my real function here, but it looks much like the one below. 
(Changed variable names and simplified some irrelevant - I hope - details). 
Anything jump out as a memory-leak? 

It queries a DB table to get a list of records. For performance reasons, it 
runs multiple smaller queries by time period (min-t, max-t), and furthering 
breaks the results into chunks, as it accumulates the final vector 

I thought each loop/recur would drop the data from the previous loop 
iteration. But maybe not?

  (defn find-db-records [db min-time max-time]

    (let [records (atom [])

          num-processed (atom 0)]

      (loop [min-t min-time]

        (let [max-t (plus-minutes min-t 30) ;; 30 minutes at a time

              results (jdbc/query db

                         ["select id, a, b, c from sometable where t > ? 
and t <= ? order by t" 

                           min-t max-t])

              row-groups (partition-all 200 results)]

          (doseq [rows row-groups :let [foo (make-foo rows)]]

            (doseq [{:keys [id a b c] :as row} rows]

              (if (relevant-record? foo a b)

                (let [d (compute-d a b c)]

                  (swap! records conj {:id id :a a :d d})))

              (swap! num-processed inc)))

          (if (before? max-t max-time)

            (recur max-t)

            {:records @records :num-processed @num-processed})))))

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